Deb Remaly | Office
I am married to Neal and we have a son Cole and a daughter Gabrielle. I have attended Harvest Chapel since March 2003 and have worked in the office since August 2008. This is a small part of my testimony. God Bless I was a sinner with no hope and no joy, but now I am a sinner who sins less with Lots of hope and unending joy! I was raised in a home where I was taught nothing about God, Jesus or church. I got married the first time at age 19 and had my first child at age 21 and was divorced by age 23. I married again in March 1999. Neal and I‘s life was selfish, worldly, and thought we were ok because we weren’t as bad as some other people we knew. In May of 2001 we attended a small Baptist church where we really started to get connected with some of the people. God used this place to restore family relationships and showing himself to us. We fell away for a short while and God then brought us to Harvest Chapel in March 2003. We gave our lives to the Lord and were baptized in August 2003. Since this time God has been faithful to walk with us through all our trials and He has blessed us beyond anything we could ever ask. It is amazing that he uses people like me to help in his kingdom work, but by his grace that is what he has done.