October Update
What a blessing it was to arrive to Vajta. We have been so warmly welcomed by the team at the Bible College here. This last month has been a time of processing all that has happened over the last eight years in Kyrgyzstan as well as adapting to a new language and ministry. I jumped right into teaching Bible and Mission classes and have been blessed to go and share at the CC Budapest church. Nehemiah, Judah, and Grace are attending ‘ovada’ ( Hungarian Kindergarten) while Titus and Timothy are homeschooled by Melanie. On several occasions our kids have tried to speak Russian to people when spoken to in Hungarian. Judah (3 yrs) still thinks everyone understands him, when he greets them with a big Russian ‘Hello’. I think they might be a little confused!
Our last weeks in Bishkek flew by. The time was filled with meetings with church leadership, counseling, encouraging and sweet fellowship with many remembering all that God has done over the last eight years and rejoicing in the many changed lives. I even had the honor of marring a young couple in our church the day before we left. We also managed to sell and give away all the stuff we had and fit everything we own into seven suitcases and seven carry-on bags, as well as two instruments (That’s what I get for marrying a musician. Thankfully I was able to convince her that we could not take the piano on the plane!) One bag and one instrument were left behind and will have to be gotten sometime later…
I (Paul) will be taking a trip to Bishkek sometime the end of January to continue to help serve the church as they go through this transition time. I believe that we are only seeing the beginnings of all that God would desire to accomplish in Kyrgyzstan.
Pray that the church would stay committed to God’s Word and continue to minster to one another in grace and love as well as reach the lost with the love of Christ.
Melanie will be traveling with Her Mom, Pam Markey, to teach for a pastor’s and church leaders conference in Vladimir, Russia. Please keep her in your prayers as she is gone and that she and her Mom would be a blessing and encouragement to the women at the conference.
Please pray for Melanie and I as we travel to Kiev, Ukraine to teach a church leaders conference November 29 thru December 1. We are excited to see many old friends. Pray that we would be a blessings and encouragement.
The Lord continues to burden our hearts for the Muslim world. We are feeling a specific call to the Middle East. We have committed to serving here in Hungary through the next spring semester as we continue to seek the Lord for more direction for the next step. We sense that sometime around this summer we will have clearer direction to wherever God is calling us.
> I was able to attended a conference in Amman, Jordan a couple weeks ago for church workers in that region. The Lord used the time to continue to confirm that that is the direction He is calling us.
Pray as Paul will be visiting several countries in the coming months to help determine where it is the Lord would have us minister.
Pray for our family as we adjust to the new culture and life here. Pray for Timothy as he often seems to go into his own world and has had melt downs. Pray for the kids as they learn a new language.
Please pray for the transition time in the Bishkek church.
Pray God would use us in this ministry here at the Bible College to encourage those God is calling to plant churches throughout the world.
Pray that we would clearly know God’s leading. What country, and that HE would already be preparing our whole family.
The Billings Family
Categories: PaulMelanieBillings