Billings June Update
The city has approved the June 29th Jeremy Camp outreach. The event will be held at the city stadium. The stadium seats 20,000. We are expecting a full capacity attendance. Several local musicians will also perform. We are praying that this will help people see that not only Americans/foreigners believe in and follow Jesus.
Many of the local churches are partnering together in this historical event for Kyrgyzstan. We have been open and up-front with the government that our church is organizing the event. This means we can be open sharing the gospel as well. This is a huge break though as many believers are afraid to share openly because of intimidating and restrictive religious laws that have been passed in the last few years.
This is the first time anything on such a large scale has been done like this in Kyrgyzstan. Pray that this will be an effective way to get the gospel out to the lost.
Please pray for:
Salvations, salvations, salvations!
That God would move in a powerful way through the presentation of the gospel.
That people’s hearts would be open and changed!
Counselors after the event sharing with the lost.
Good weather, organizational details (sound, lighting, stage setup, etc.)
A peaceful event without disturbances or trouble. Remember that Kyrgyzstan is around 90% Muslim.
Continued unity among churches working together to make Jesus known!
Thanks and Blessings!
Paul Billings
Categories: PaulMelanieBillings